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Space Weather Prediction Center

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Wednesday, July 03, 2024 06:27:32

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Current Space Weather Conditions
R1 (Minor) Radio Blackout Impacts
HF Radio: Weak or minor degradation of HF radio communication on sunlit side, occasional loss of radio contact.
Navigation: Low-frequency navigation signals degraded for brief intervals.
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Space Weather Workshop 2001

A banner graphic for the 2001 Space Weather Workshop.


Workshop Agenda and Presentations

Workshop Summary

Tuesday, May 1

8:00 Registration

8:30 Welcome to Space Weather Week - Barbara Poppe, NOAA/SEC

8:40 Space Weather Agency Activities (Session Chair: Terry Onsager, NOAA/SEC)

8:40 Space Environment Center: Present and Future, Ernie Hildner, NOAA/SEC

9:00 U.S. Air Force Space Weather Operations Center-Maj. Jeff Cox

9:20 European Space Agency - Alain Hilgers, ESA

9:40 The Australian Space Weather Agency, Richard Thompson, IPS Radio and Space 

10:00-10:20 Break

10:20 Living With a Star Update -Dick Fisher, NASA Goddard, Larry Zanetti, 
JHU/Applied Physics Lab

10:50 University Partnership for Operational Support - Ching Meng, JHU/Applied 
Physics Lab

11:10 Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative - Paul Bellaire, AFSOR, Robert McCoy, Naval Research Lab

11:20 Community Coordinated Modeling Center - Michael Hesse, NASA/Goddard

11:50 National Academy of Sciences Decadal Survey

12:00 - 1:30 Lunch

Solar Maximum: Overview of Recent Solar and Geomagnetic Activity

1:30 Operational Timeline of Significant Events, May 2000-May 2001, Larry Combs, Bill Murtagh, NOAA/SEC

Research Overview and Timeline of Recent Events

2:10 Solar/Interplanetary

2:10 Solar Origins of Geoeffective Activity Since Early 1998, David Webb, Boston 

2:30 Identifying geoeffective structures in the solar wind using ACE and WIND data: 
1998 through 2000, Joan Burkpile, National Center for Atmospheric Research

2:50-3:15 Break


3:15 Geomagnetic Storm Variability During Solar Maximum, Janet Kozyra, University of Michigan

3:35 Solar Maximum Storms: GOES Observations and Outstanding Problems, Howard Singer, NOAA/SEC

3:55 NOAA Environmental Hero Award Presentation - Ernie Hildner, NOAA/SEC 
Award Recipient: Rich Behnke, National Science Foundation

4:00 Ionosphere/Thermosphere

4:00 Space Weather Effects on the Low and Mid-Latitude Ionosphere, Rich Behnke, 
National Science Foundation

4:20 Mid-Latitude Stormtime M-I Coupling: Space Weather Effects, John Foster, MIT 
Haystack Observatory

4:40 Managing Financial Risks from Solar Storms, Andrew Hyman, PricewaterhouseCoopers

5:00 Session ends

6:00 Vendor Meeting and Dinner (NCAR on the Mesa) 
For vendors of space weather services; you must contact Barbara Poppe in advance

Wednesday, May 2

8:30 NSWP Metrics Challenge - Magnetosphere - Michael Hesse, NASA/Goddard

8:50 NSWP Metrics Challenge - Solar - Vic Pizzo, NOAA/SEC

Ionospheric Environment and Effects on Navigation

(Session Chairs: Joseph Kunches and Odile de la Beaujardiere)

9:00 Space Weather Effects

9:00 Timeline and event(s) reviewed-Joseph Kunches, NOAA/SEC

9:05 Safety is in the Diversity: Navigation's Top-Five List, Bob Lilley, Illgen 
Simulation Technologies

9:25 The Great Geomagnetic Storm of July 15, 2000: GPS TEC Measurements and 
System Effects, Pat Doherty, Boston College

9:45 - 10:00 Break

10:00 Research Advances and Needs

10:00 Effects of Penetration Electric Fields on Equatorial Communication and 
Navigation Systems, Santimay Basu, Air Force Research Lab

10:20 Ionospheric Effects on Ground-Based Systems, A. J. Coster and R. Lambour, 
MIT Lincoln Laboratory

10:40 Specification and Forecast of the Global Ionosphere, Chunming Wang, 
University of Southern California

11:00 Directing Research to User Needs-Discussion

11:30-1:00 Lunch

Ionospheric Environment and Effects on Communication

(Session Chairs: Norm Cohen and Robert McCoy)

1:00 Space Weather Effects

1:00 Timeline and event(s) reviewed-Norm Cohen, NOAA/SEC

1:05 United Airlines Polar Operations, Gene Cameron, United Airlines

1:25 HF Communications in Aviation, Paty Makowski, ARINC

1:45 Research Advances and Needs

1:45 Forecasting equatorial plasma bubbles - an electrodynamics approach, Cheryl 
Huang, Air Force Research Lab

2:05 New Products to Target HF Propagation, Tim Fuller-Rowell, NOAA/SEC and 
University of Colorado

2:25 Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements (GAIM), Bob Shunk, Utah 
State University

2:45 Directing Research to User Needs-Discussion

3:15 - 3:30 Break

Neutral Atmosphere and Effects on Satellites

(Session Chairs: Rod Viereck and Rich Behnke)

3:30 Space Weather Effects

3:30 Timeline and event(s) reviewed-Rod Viereck, NOAA/SEC

3:35 Operational solar irradiances and E10.7, Kent Tobiska, Logicon

3:55 Space Weather Affects for Satellite Operations, Cheryl Walker, TRW

4:15 Research Advances and Needs

4:15 High Accuracy Satellite Drag Model, Mark Storez, Headquarters Space Warfare 
Center, USAF

4:35 Observing Atmospheric Airglow in the Ultraviolet to Monitor Space Weather 
Variability, Stefan Thonnard, Naval Research Lab

4:55 Directing Research to User Needs-Discussion

5:30 Session ends

6:00 Reception for all at the David Skaggs Research Center

6:00-7:30 Tours of the Forecast Center

6:30-7:30 Excerpts from IMAX film Solar Max

7:30-8:30 Solar Variability and Climate Change, Rodney Viereck, NOAA/SEC

9:00 Reception ends

Thursday, May 3

Geomagnetic Environment and Effects on the Electric Power Industry

(Session Chairs: Chris Balch and Terry Onsager)

8:30 Space Weather Effects

8:30 Timeline and event(s) reviewed-Chris Balch, NOAA/SEC

8:35 Geomagnetic Effects on Ground Electrical Systems, David Boteler, International 
Space Environment Service

8:55 Impact of GIC on Electric Power Systems, Jim Ingleson, New York Independent 
System Operator, Inc.

9:15 Research Advances and Needs

9:15 Recent Advances in First-Principles Modeling of Ionospheric Currents and 
Ground Perturbations, Jimmy Raeder, UCLA

9:35 Research Advances in Modeling and Predicting the Geospace Electrodynamic 
Environment, Dan Weimer, Mission Research Corp.

9:55 Monitoring the Auroral Electrojets: Problems and Recent Progress, Theresa 
Moretto, NASA/Goddard

10:15-10:30 Break

10:30 Directing Research to User Needs - Discussion

11:20 MURI Research Model review

11:20 Development of a "Plug-and-Play" Space Weather Model, Tamas Gombosi, 
University of Michigan, and the Consortium for Space Environment Modeling

11:40 Understanding Magnetic Eruptions on the Sun and their Interplanetary 
Consequences, George Fisher, University of California-Berkeley

12:00-6:00 Catered Lunch, Poster Session

2:00-5:00 Splinter sessions (places and times to be announced)

Q&A: SEC's Web site and data delivery

Decadal Survey on Solar and Space Physics: Panel on Education and Society

New Alerts considered (including radiation hazard for airlines)

ISO Space Weather Standards

Friday, May 4

Radiation Environment and Effects on Satellites and Humans

(Session Chairs: Kent Doggett and Greg Ginet)

8:30 Space Weather Effects

8:30 Timeline and event(s) reviewed-Kent Doggett, NOAA/SEC

8:35 John Evans, Telsat/Canada

8:55 Bertrand Huet, ALCATEL Space Industries

9:15 Effects of Last Years Big Proton Events on Satellites, Michael Bedeau, Boeing 

9:35 Radiation Risk to Astronauts: The Tallest Pole, Dr. Julie Swain, Harvard 

9:55-10:15 Break

10:15 Research Advances and Needs

10:15 Energetic Electron Observations During The Last Decade, J. Bernard Blake, 
Aerospace Corporation

10:35 User Requirements for a New Generation of Radiation Belt Models, Daniel 
Heynderickx, Belgisch Inst. Ruimte Aeronomie

10:55 An overview of recent solar energetic particle events: 1997-2001, Joe Mazur, 
Aerospace Corporation

11:10 Directing Research to User Needs - Discussion

12:00 Conference Ends