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National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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Space Weather Workshop 2002

A banner graphic for the 2002 Space Weather Workshop.
April 16 -19, 2002

Workshop Agenda and Presentations

Tuesday, April 16

8:00 Registration

8:30 - 12:00 Space Weather Agency Activities (Session chair: B. Poppe)

8:30 SEC 2002 and Beyond-Ernest Hildner, Director, NOAA Space Environment Center

8:50 NASA Office of Space Science-Richard Fisher, NASA Office of Space Science

9:10 Air Force Space Weather Operations-Capt. Ariel Acebal, Air Force Weather Agency

9:30 Overview of ESA Space Weather Activities-Alain Hilgers, Europeans Space Research and Technology Centre, European Space Agency

9:50 The Geospace Mission Definition Team-Paul Kintner, Cornell University

10:10 - 10:40 Break

10:40 AGU "Space Weather" Journal Proposal-Paul Song, University of Massachusetts-Lowell

11:00 The Practical Issues of Utilising a Space Weather Programme for Airline Operations-Bryn Jones, Virgin Atlantic Airways, Ltd.

11:30 New Online SEC Products and Services-Viola Raben and LCDR Alan Hilton, NOAA SEC

12:00 - 2:00 Catered Lunch and Poster Session

2:00 - 5:00 Space Environment Modeling and Validation (Session chair: T. Onsager)

2:00 Comprehensive Solar-Terrestrial Environment Model for Space Weather Predictions: Progress of the Space Weather MURI Project-Tamas Gombosi, Michigan MURI Consortium

2:20 Understanding Magnetic Eruptions on the Sun and their Interplanetary Consequences: A progress report-George Fisher, Univ. of California-Berkeley MURI

2:40 Global Assimilation Ionospheric Measurements (GAIM)-Robert Schunk, Utah State University

3:00 - 3:30 Break

3:30 KDI: Prototype Implementation of a Tera-Flop Class Predictive Space Weather Model, A Year 3 Progress Report-Robert Clauer, Univ. of Michigan

3:50 Space weather model testing and validation at the Community Coordinated Modeling Center-Michael Hesse, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

4:10 Development of Ionospheric Metrics-Tim Fuller-Rowell, NOAA SEC and CIRES

4:30 Validation of Space Weather Products and of DMSP UV Physical Parameters -Gregory Bishop, Air Force Research Laboratory

5:15 - 6:45 Tour of Ball Aerospace's Manufacturing and Test Facilities (buses outside)

Wednesday, April 17

9:00 - 9:45 USAF and NSF Agency Perspectives (Session chair: E.Hildner)

9:00 Mainstreaming Space-Brig. Gen. David L. Johnson, Director of Weather, Deputy Chief of Staff for Air and Space Operations, USAF

9:25 Introduction to the National Space Weather Program-Richard Behnke, National Science Foundation

9:45 - 12:00 Navigation, Communication, and Scintillation (Session chair: J. Kunches)

9:45 Radio Navigation: Space Weather and Other Horrors!-David Last, Univ. of Wales

10:05 - 10:35 Break

10:35 GPS Uses and Applications for Ionosphere Models-Douglas Robertson, NOAA National Geodetic Survey

10:55 Communication Impacts on Airlines-Jay Bjornstad, Northwest Airlines

11:15 Forecasting Ionospheric Conditions for Operational Purposes-Richard Thompson, IPS Radio and Space Services

11:35 The Variable Nature of Equatorial Scintillation-Keith Groves, Air Force Research Laboratory

12:00 - 2:00 Catered Lunch and Poster Session

2:00 - 3:00 Navigation, Communication, and Scintillation, continued (Session chair: G. Ginet)

2:00 New Results in Scintillation Physics and Modeling-Santimay Basu, Air Force Research Laboratory

2:20 Forecasting the Occurrence of Ionospheric Scintillation Activity on a Day-to-Day Basis in the South American Sector, David Anderson, CIRES, Univ. of Colorado, NOAA SEC

2:40 Space Weather and the AMS, Jimmie Smith, American Meteorological Society

3:00 Ionospheric and Thermospheric Imaging from Geosynchronous Orbit -Robert McCoy, Office of Naval Research

3:20 - 3:50 Break

3:50 - 5:10 Radiation and Humans (Session chair: G. Ginet)

3:50 Space Radiation Impacts on Airlines Workshop Synopsis-Ron Zwickl, NOAA SEC

4:10 Airways and Cosmic Rays: a European Perspective-Bryn Jones, Virgin Atlantic Airways, Ltd.

4:30 The State of Manned Space Flight Radiological Safety Support at the Solar Cycle 23 Maximum-Michael Golightly, NASA Space Radiation Analysis Group

4:50 Prediction of Solar Proton Events-Chris Balch, NOAA SEC

6:00 - 9:00 Reception at DSRC

7:30 - 8:00 Climate Change-Dr. David Evans, NOAA Assistant Admin., Oceanic and Atmospheric Research

Thursday, April 18

9:00 - 10:40 Satellite Drag (Session chair: R. Viereck)

9:00 Atmospheric Drag and Space Environment Forecast Research For Space Situational Awareness-Joseph Liu, AFSPC Space Analysis Center

9:20 The Need for Accurate Drag Prediction-Stephen H. Knowles, Naval Research Laboratory/Raytheon Corp.

9:40 Comparison of Ultraviolet Airglow Derived Density to Satellite Drag Derived Density-Andrew Nicholas, Naval Research Laboratory

10:00 The E10.7, S, Rsn, Qeuv, and Tinf solar proxies for operational systems -Kent Tobiska, Space Environment Technologies, SpaceWx Division

10:20 New Results From 30-yr Drag Data Base-Frank Marcos, Air Force Research Laboratory

10:40 - 11:00 Break

11:00 Using and Misusing Predictions: Lessons From Weather and Climate-Roger Pielke, Univ. of Colorado

11:20 - 12:00 Radiation and Satellites (Session chair: R. Viereck)

11:20 Space Weather Influences on Spacecraft Design-Kyle Miller, Mission Research

11:40 The Management of Space Environment Impacts on Spacecraft: from Design through Operations-Janet Barth, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

12:00 - 2:00 Catered Lunch and Poster Session

2:00 - 2:40 Radiation and Satellites, continued (Session chair: A. Hilton)

2:00 Results from the First Flight Tests of the Compact Environment Anomaly Sensor (CEASE)-Gregory Ginet, Air Force Research Laboratory

2:20 Nowcasting the Radiation Belts-Sebastian Bourdarie, Office National d'Etudes et de Recherches Aérospatiales

2:40 - 5:00 Geomagnetic Activity (Session chair: A. Hilton)

2:40 Modeling Geomagnetic Activity on a Regional Scale-Terry Onsager NOAA SEC

3:00 GIC in Power Grids at Low and Mid-Latitude Locations due to SSC and Ring-Current Intensifications-John Kappenman, Metatech

3:20 - 3:40 Break

3:40 A Survey of Sun-Earth Models-Vic Pizzo, NOAA SEC

4:00 The Uses and Limitations of Coronagraph Data for Space Weather Modelling and Predictions-Gareth Lawrence, The Catholic University of America

4:20 rtAMIE: A Nowcast/Forecast Model for Ionospheric Electrodynamics-Eric Kihn, NOAA NGDC

4:40 Forecasting the ionospheric electrojets and magnetic perturbations from the L1 IMF data-Daniel Weimer, Mission Research Corp.

6:00 - 9:30 Vendor Dinner, NCAR Cafeteria

Friday, April 19

9:00 - 11:30 On the Horizon (Session chair: H. Singer)

9:00 Solar Cycle 23: How does it measure up? What can we expect?-Rodney Viereck, NOAA SEC

9:20 SOLIS (Synoptic Optical Long-Term Investigations of the Sun)-Christoph Keller, National Solar Observatory

9:40 GOES-12 Solar X-ray Imager: Ready for Operations-Steve Hill, NOAA SEC

10:00 Space Solar Program in China-Lirong Tian, National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing

10:20 - 10:50 Break

10:50 Use of the Frequency Agile Solar Radiotelescope (FASR) for Space Weather -Dale Gary, New Jersey Institute of Technology

11:10 The Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate (COSMIC)-Bill Kuo, UCAR

11:30 The C/NOFS satellite mission and science plan-Odile de la Beaujardière, Air Force Research Laboratory

12:00 Conference Ends