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Space Weather Prediction Center

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

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Space Weather Workshop 2004

A banner graphic for the 2004 Space Weather Workshop.

April 13-16, 2004

Conference Agenda and Presentations

Tuesday, April 13

8:00 - Registration

8:30 - 9:50 - Recent NOAA and Solar Activity Update Barbara Poppe, Session Chair, NOAA Space Environment Center

8:30 - Welcome

8:35 - Space Weather: Research to Operations to Action - Brig. Gen. David L. Johnson, USAF (Ret.), NOAA Assistant Administrator for Weather Services

9:00 - Space Environment Center Status - Ernie Hildner, NOAA Space Environment Center

9:20 - The Halloween Storms - Bill Murtagh, NOAA Space Environment Center

9:50 - Break

10:20 - 12:00 - Communication Impacts - Larry Combs, Session Chair, NOAA Space Environment Center

10:20 - "Space Weather - Operational & Business Impacts" Airline Workshop, February 2004 - Captain Bryn Jones, SolarMetrics Limited

10:40 - HF Communications and Airline Support - Jerome Wiles, ARINC

11:00 - ITS HF Propagation Software - Gregory Hand, Institute for Telecommunications Sciences

11:20 - The Role of the Amateur Radio Community (HAMs) - Paul Crips, KI7TS, Carey Junior High School, Cheyenne, Wyoming

11:40 -  "Around the World in 80 Hours": SolarMetrics Studies Cosmic Radiation and Space Weather for Virgin Atlantic GlobalFlyer Non-stop Circumnavigation World Record Attempt - Mike Smith, SolarMetrics Ltd.

11:50 - SEC Web Site's 10th Anniversary - Vi Raben, NOAA Space Environment Center

12:00 - 1:00 - Lunch

1:00 - 3:00 - Poster Session

3:00 - 5:00 - Satellite Navigation Impacts - Joe Kunches, Session Chair, NOAA Space Environment Center

3:00 - Dynamic Redistribution of Earth's Ionosphere during Major Geomagnetic Storms - John Foster, MIT Haystack Observatory

3:20 - Engineering the USCG Differential GPS System for Sub-meter Performance - Allen Cleveland, U.S. Coast Guard

3:40 - Space Weather Effects on WAAS: A Performance and Status Report - Pat Doherty, Boston College, Institute for Scientific Research

4:00 - Space Weather Effects due to Storm Enhanced Density - Anthea Coster, MIT Haystack Observatory

4:20 - US-TEC: A New SEC Product for Ionospheric Total Electron Content - Tim Fuller-Rowell, University of Colorado CIRES and NOAA Space Environment Center

4:40 - Spacecraft Anomaly Assessment - Joe E. Mazur, The Aerospace Corporation

Wednesday, April 14

8:30 - 12:00 - Spacecraft Impacts and Anomaly Assessment - Steven Quigley, Session Chair, Air Force Research Laboratory

8:30 - Impacts of Space Weather on Spacecraft - Dan Baker, University Colorado, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics

8:50 - Evaluation of Plasma Hazard Environments for the International Space Station - Joseph I. Minow, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center

9:10 - JAXA's Efforts in Assessing Spacecraft Anomalies - Tateo Goka, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency

9:30 - Spacecraft Anomaly Assessment Activities at ESA - Alain Hilgers, European Space Research and Technology Centre, European Space Agency

9:50 - Break

10:20 - October/November 2003's Space Weather and Operations Lessons Learned - Lou Barbieri, NASA GSFC Space Science Mission Operations Project (Boeing)

10:40 - Hazards of Spacecraft Charging - David Cooke, Air Force Research Laboratory

11:00 - Towards SEP Predictions with the Space Weather Modeling Framework - Tamas Gombosi, Center for Space Environment Modeling, University of Michigan

11:20 - A Data Assimilation Approach to Solving the Coupled Ring Current - Belt System -Reiner Friedel, Los Alamos National Laboratory

12:00-1:00 - Lunch

1:00-3:00 - Poster Session

1:00 - 2:00 - Splinter Session on GAIM Activities (Grand Ballroom)

2:00 - 3:00 - VIP Briefing (Boulder Creek Living Room)

3:00-5:00 Space Weather Agency Activities - LCDR Mike Weaver, Session Chair, NOAA Space Environment Center

3:00 - SEC as Part of the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) - Louis Uccellini, Director, National Centers for Environmental Prediction

3:20 - DoD Space Weather Support: Air Force Weather's Commitment, Capability, and Way Ahead - Brig. Gen. Thomas Stickford, Air Force Director of Weather

3:40 - National Security Space Architect - Charles "Chuck" Lapinski, Office of the National Security Space Architect

4:00 - Air Force Space Command Space Weather for the Warfighter - Col. Henry Baird, Air Force Space Command, Vice Director of Requirements

4:20 - Naval Space Science and Technology Programs for Mitigation of Space Weather Effects on Naval Systems - Robert McCoy, Office of Naval Research

4:40 - The National Space Weather Program: An NSF Perspective - Richard Behnke, National Science Foundation

4:50 - NASA - Dick Fisher, NASA's Office of Space Science, Director of Sun-Earth Connection Program

6:00-8:30 - Reception at the DSRC NOAA Building

7:00 - Nitescapes 3-D: Aurora Show - Bryan White, Nitescapes 3-D, LLC

Thursday, April 15

8:30-11:10 - Geomagnetic Activity - Capt. Kelly Doser, Session Chair, NOAA Space Environment Center

8:30 - Limitations of Geomagnetic Indices and New Trends in Specifying Geomagnetic Activity - Chris Balch, NOAA Space Environment Center

8:50 - Estimations of Geomagnetically Induced Currents Using Geomagnetic Indices and Data - Larisa Trichtchenko, Geomagnetic Laboratory, National Resources Canada

9:10 - Ground Level Assimilative Model (GLAM) for Geomagnetic Storm Conditions: A System for Nowcasting and Forensic Analysis of Geomagnetic Storms and their Impacts on Electric Power Grids - John Kappenman, Metatech Corp.

9:30 - Ionospheric Drivers of GIC During the October 2003 Geomagnetic Superstorm and Insights into the Establishment of a Novel Indicator for GIC Activity - Antti Pulkkinen, Finish Meteorological Institute

10:00 - Break

10:30 - Real-time AMIE Operation, Validation, and Plans for the Future - Aaron Ridley, University Michigan, Center for Space Environment Modeling

10:50 - Geospace Environment Data Analysis System - Yohsuke Kamide, STEL, University of Nagoya

11:10-12:00 Data and Models for the Future - Rodney Viereck, Session Chair, NOAA Space Environment Center

11:10 - Research, Observations, and Modeling at NOAA SEC: Supporting Space Weather Operations - Howard J. Singer, NOAA Space Environment Center

11:30 - Verification and Its Position in New Product Development - Kent A. Doggett, NOAA Space Environment Center

12:00-1:00 - Lunch

1:00-3:00 - Poster Session

1:00 - 2:00 - Splinter Session on Geomagnetic Indices (Grand Ballroom)

3:00-5:00 - Data and Models for the Future - Rodney Viereck, Session Chair, NOAA Space Environment Center

3:00 - HQ Air Force Weather Agency, the Department of Defense Space Weather Source - Capt. Herb Keyser, Air Force Weather Agency

3:20 - Operational Space Weather Product Development at the Joint SMC-AFRL Rapid Prototyping Center (RPC) - Steven Quigley, Air Force Research Laboratory

3:40 - The Space Weather Analysis - Eric Kihn, NOAA National Geophysical Data Center

4:00 - Upcoming Advances In Solar Imaging For Space Weather Forecasting - Keith Strong, Space Sciences Office, Lockheed Martin Advanced Technology Center

4:20 - Solar Physics Data Systems: Current and Future Data Extraction and Analysis Tools - Alisdair Davey, Southwest Research Institute

4:40 - Physics to Forecasting: The Sun in the Next Decade - Steve Hill, NOAA Space Environment Center

6:00-9:00 - Vendor Dinner and Meeting (Boulder Creek Living Room)

Friday, April 16

8:30-12:00 - Data and Models for the Future - Terry Onsager, Session Chair, NOAA Space Environment Center

8:30 - GEOSTORMS: Preparing for Continuous Solar Wind Observations - Pat Mulligan, NOAA National Environmental Satellite and Data and Information Service

8:50 - Understanding Magnetic Eruptions on the Sun and their Interplanetary Consequences: Status of our MURI Funded Project - George Fisher, University of California, Berkeley, Space Science Laboratory

9:10 - Towards Physics-Based Operational Space Weather Forecast Models: CISM Progress and Plans - W. Jeffrey Hughes, Department of Astronomy, Boston University

9:30 - Space Weather Modeling at the Community Coordinated Modeling Center - Michael Hesse, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center

9:50 - Global Assimilation of Ionospheric Measurements: USU GAIM - Bob Schunk, Center for Atmospheric and Space Sciences, Utah State University

10:10 - Break

10:40 - Entering the Era of Global Ionospheric Data Assimilation: USC/JPL GAIM - Brian Wilson, University of Southern California, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

11:00 - Development of an Operational Ionospheric Forecast System - Kent Tobiska, Space Environment Technologies

11:20 - Comprehensive Solar-Terrestrial Environment Model for Space Weather Predictions: Progress of the Space Weather MURI Project - Aaron Ridley, on behalf of the Michigan MURI Consortium

11:40 - "Lower Space Weather": Electrical and Turbulence Impacts of Convective Storms on the Overlying Stratosphere and Mesosphere - Walt Lyons, FMA Research Inc.

12:00 - Conference ends