Beginning April 4, 2023, the Space Weather Prediction Center will generate an experimental US-Canada 1D geoelectric field map product. The maps will update every minute using magnetometer data from our operational partners at the U.S. Geological Survey and Natural Resources Canada/Canadian Hazards Information Service. The magnetometer data will be combined with 1D conductivity models for regions over the contiguous United States (lower 48) and regions over Canada extending up to 60 degrees latitude. The new map products will be superseding the current 1D geoelectric field maps, providing updated 1D models over the U.S. (based on recent results provided by the Electric Power Research Institute) and new 1D models over Canada (provided by NRCan/CHIS). The products will also be providing gridded model output at a higher spatial resolution of ½ degree in latitude and longitude, resulting in 7,063 grid points of model output every minute. Subsequent to input and evaluation received by SWPC during this experimental phase, we plan to incorporate any appropriate changes and to deploy the product to SWPC operations by June 30, 2023. The official NWS product notification is available here and contains information on how to provide feedback during the 30 day comment period from April 4 - May 4.