Since February 25, 2025, the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) has presented new coronagraph images and data from the GOES-19 Compact Coronagraph-1 (CCOR-1). The images and data are updated every 15 minutes. The images are displayed as an animation on the CCOR-1 Coronagraph web page and are now archived at NCEI archive webpage as of March 7, 2025, by going to the CCOR-1 tab. The NOAA NESDIS story released March 19th can be seen here. The data are available at services.swpc.noaa.gov. Further information is available on the CCOR-1 Coronagraph web page and in the official NWS Service Change Notice (SCN). The SCN also provides contact information for providing feedback regarding this product. NOTE: Until such time as GOES-19 becomes operational, currently planned for April 4, 2025, the animations and data are to be considered “preliminary and non-operational.”